
首页 / 创新团队 / 界河管理与跨境水资源争端研究创新团队




2000.09—2006.01  清华大学水利水电工程系  水文学及水资源专业  博士

1996.09—2000.06  清华大学水利水电工程系  水利工程  本科




  1. 国家科技支撑计划项目(2008BAB42B00)

  2. 水利部公益性行业科研专项《***区水资源遥感监测与评价研究》

  3. 水利部公益性行业科研专项《利用高新技术对**界河国土流失监测与评价技术研究》

  4. 水利部国际河流管理专项《国际河流管理体制与协调机制》、《科罗拉多河与格兰德河管理案例研究》


  1. 合著,《北美跨界河流管理与合作》,中国水利水电出版社,2015

  2. 合译,《跨界河流、湖泊与含水层流域水资源综合管理手册》,2013

  3. 编译,《国际涉水条法选编》,社会科学文献出版社,2011

  4. 合著,《多瑙河利用保护与国际合作》,中国水利水电出版社,2010

  5. 合译,《欧盟地下水指令手册》,中国水利水电出版社,2009


  1. 教育部科技进步二等奖1项

  2. 水利部综合事业局昆仑管理二等奖1项、昆仑科技奖三等奖2项、昆仑论文奖二等奖1项


    Position/Title: Ph.D. Professor of Engineering

    Institute/Department: The International Economic & Technical Cooperation and Exchange Center, Ministry of Water Resources, the People’s Republic of China.


    Mr. HUANG Yugang graduated from Tsinghua University with a P.h. Degree since January 2006, who is responsible for research, planning, management and cooperation on the trans-boundary rivers, especially in charge of the China-India Expert Level Mechanism on trans-border rivers. He has worked on some projects about the National Science and Technology Supporting Plan of the Eleventh Five-year and Public Sectors Research Special Funds of Ministry of Water Resources and finished a large number of advisory and research reports adopted by the relevant departments of the Ministry of water resources and the Ministry of foreign affairs.


    Mr. HUANG Yugang works for the trans-boundary rivers research and management, including basic technical work, policy, regulation, negotiation and planning, etc.

    Academic Qualifications

    2000-2006   Doctor of Engineering in Water Resources and Hydrology,, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

    1996-2000   Bachelor of Engineering in hydraulic engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

    Working Experience

    2006-present  for the Division of International Rivers, the International Economic & Technical Cooperation and Exchange Center, Ministry of Water Resources 

    Research Projects

  3. A project of the National Science and Technology Supporting Plan of the Eleventh Five-year.

  4. 2 Projects of Public Sectors Research Special Funds of Ministry of Water Resources.

  5. Projects of Special Funds for International Rivers Management.

    Major Publications

  6. Management and Cooperation of Transboundary Rivers in North America, China Hydraulic and Hydropower Press, 2015

  7. The Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Transboundary Basins of Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers, China Hydraulic and Hydropower Press, 2013

  8. Selected Anthology of International Agreements on Waters, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011

  9. The Utilization, Protection and Cooperation of Danube River, China Hydraulic and Hydropower Press, 2010

  10. The EU Water Framework Directive, China Hydraulic and Hydropower Press, 2009

    Contact details:( phone number, email address, fax)

    Tel: 010-63202315, 13661360657

    Email: huangyg@mwr.gov.cn 

    Fax: 010-63202274


    Honors and awards:

  11. 1 Second prize of Progress in Scientific Technology of ministry of education in 2007.

  12. 1 second prize of Kunlun Management of Bureau of Comprehensive Development, Ministry of Water Resources

  13. 2 third prizes of Kunlun Technology of Bureau of Comprehensive Development, Ministry of Water Resources 

  14. 1 second prize paper award of Kunlun of Bureau of Comprehensive Development, Ministry of Water Resources


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