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 Wenjun Hu

  1. Current Employer: International Economic & Technical Cooperation and Exchange Center // Foreign Investment Management Office, Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China,  No. 2, Lane 2, Baiguang Rd, 100053 Beijing.

    Position: Deputy Division Director, Senior Engineer.

    Personal contact: Email: whu@mwr.gov.cn ; Telephone: 86-10-63202043


  2. Education Background


    Phd. Degree (Doctor of Management) on Technical Economics and Management obtained in 2012, Business School of the Hohai University, Nanjing, China (Part time). Dissertation topic: Study on cooperation models of international river management: Lancang-Mekong River as a case study.


    MSc Degree on Water Science, Policy and Management obtained in 2005, Oxford Water Research Center, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, UK (Full time 2004-2005). Dissertation topic: Water resources utilization and the ecological environment protection in the arid inland Shiyang River basin, Northwest China.


    Master's Degree on Hydro-structural Engineering obtained in 1996, Structural Engineering Research Center, Hohai University, Nanjing, China (Full time 1993-1996). Dissertation topic: Dynamic test research and numerical analyses for upper floodgate head structure of rising ship machine in the Three Gorges Water Project on the Yangtze River.


    Bachelor's Degree on Water and Hydropower Construction Engineering obtained in 1992, Department of Water and hydroelectricity Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China (Full time 1988-1992)


    Other Trainings:

  • Training courses in Water Resources Protection Technology, November/December 2002, University of Southern California, USA.

  • Training courses in International Project Management, December 2000, Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID), GEO-ENG Company Pty. Australia

  • Certificate of Strategic Project Management, International Exchange and Professional Development Program, September/October 1998, International Center for Project Management (G.P.) Montreal, Quebec, Canada


  1.  Working Experience


? From October 2005 to Present

Deputy Division Director, Senior Engineer, carried out international water law and policy study (including the World Bank policies and procedures for projects on international waterways), and case studies on international rivers across the world (including Indus and Ganges-Brahmaputra in South Asia, Euphrates and Tigris in West Asia, Aral sea in Central Asia, Nile and Orange in Africa, Danube in Europe); participated to a number of international conferences and workshops related to transboundary waters under UN program/initiatives, World Water Council, ASEM sustainable development dialogue, Mekong River Basin cooperation, South Asia water cooperation, as well as bilateral meetings on transboundary rivers; field investigation to international rivers in Mongolia, Tajikistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Romania, Mexico, etc., and formulated reports; developed training programs and conducted professional trainings in China’s water sector; cooperated with the International Office for Water and the International Network of Basin Organizations in publishing the Chinese version of the Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Transboundary Basins of Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers.

? From 2001 to Sep. 2004

Deputy Project Manager/Assistant Project Manager on Water Sector Development Project (WSDP) with technical and financial assistance (total GBP 6.976 million) from DFID of the UK Government, undertaking daily management of the project implementation jointly with the Project Manager and the international consultants team leader at the Central Project Management Office (CPMO) of the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) of the P. R. China.

? From 1996 to 2001

        Project engineer/projects officer, Foreign Investment Management Office (FIMO), MWR, responsible for / assisting with preparation and management of projects supported by World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and some foreign governments, providing consultancy services when required. Major projects and duties undertaken are as following:

ü During 1998 to 2001, assisted UK consultants in designing of Water Sector Development Project and facilitated DFID mission's appraising the project, carried out preparation work for the project implementation including planning and establishment of overall management structures and formulation of regulations on overall implementation management.

ü In 2000, assisted AusAID officials and consultants to prepare and appraise Eastern Chongqing Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project.

ü From 1997 to 1999, undertook management of MWR Capacity Building Component of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project loaned by WB, recruited international and national consultants, managed contracts, coordinated and monitored overseas training and study tours.

ü During 1997 to 1998, participated in tendering and evaluating proposals for international consulting services on the Baise Multipurpose Water Project Preparation with technical cooperation credit supported by WB, reviewed and advised on Pre-qualification Documents on international competitive bidding for civil works.

ü In 1999, assisted WB officials and specialists in preparing and appraising Yangze River Dike Strengthening Project, and designed project coordination and management structure.

ü In 1999, assisted ADB officials in facts finding in the preparation of Ningxia Shapotou Water Resources Development Project (with TA support from ADB), carried out project financing options analysis.

ü During 1996~2001, undertook English translations of feasibility study reports and implementation plan reports of the Water Conservancy Project loaned by WB and Hunan Urban Flood Control Project financed by Japan, checked the Chinese translation of the Project Memorandum of Water Sector Development Project and other relevant documents.

ü Participated in formulation of China Water Sector Utilizing Foreign Funds Programming and Planning (for the tenth national five-year plan).

? From May 1997 to October 1997(5 months)

Project officer, Department of International Cooperation, MWR, responsible for administration of international cooperation projects and relevant foreign affairs.

? From 1996 to 1997(6 months)

Project officer, State Office for Comprehensive Agricultural Development. Assisted with preparation of Huang-huai-hai Irrigated Agricultural Intensification Project (II) loaned by WB and establishment of PMO. Participated in preparation of the Feasibility Study Report and the Project Implementation Plan Report.

? From 1993 to 1996

        Full-time study on Masters Degree at the Structural Engineering Center of Hohai University, and acted as an aide to researchers in dynamic modeling tests and mathematical analyses on structures of ship-lift sluices of Three Gorges Water Project, and Tongjiezi Multipurpose Water Project and other several similar projects.

? From 1992 to 1993

        Once graduated from university with Bachelor Degree of Engineering, served as an assistant engineer in the Tai Lake Basin Authority (based in Shanghai) of the MWR, worked on field investigation and planning of flood control schemes in Tai Lake Basin and preparation of WB loaned flood control project in the Basin and planning of schemes operation management units setting.



  1. Key Publications and Articles


  1. The Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Transboundary Basins of Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers (Chinese version) [M], Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2013. (http://www.inbo-news.org/IMG/pdf/MGIREB_2012_Chinese_Version.pdf)

  2. International Water Related Treaties and Instruments Compilation (Chinese version) [M], Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China). 2011.

  3. Guideline on Implementation of Participatory Rural Water Supply Projects[M], Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2007.

  4. Water resources utilization and the ecological protection in the arid inland Shiyang River Basin, Northwest China (English), in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Oasis-hydrosphere-desert Interaction in Arid Regions [M], 27-29, October 2005, Beijing, Tsinghua University Press.

  5. Lessons and Inspirations from International Cooperation and Dispute Resolution on Water Resources Development in the Indus River Basin [J], Resources Science, Vol.32,No.10, 2010.

  6. Lessons and Inspirations from the International Disputes Caused by Water Resources Development in the Two-River Basin of West Asia[J], Resources Science, Vol.32,No.1, 2010.

  7. Regional cooperation issues in water utilization of Aral Sea Basin [J]. Arid Land Geography, Vol.32,No.6, 2009.

  8. A Study of Water Resources Development and Utilization and Management Cooperation across the Nile River Basin[J], Resources Science, Vol.33,No.10, 2011.

  9. Practices of the international cooperation across the Danube river basin and their inspirations [J], Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, Vol.19,No.7, 2010.

  10. Fundamental principles and important rules of utilization of international rivers [J], Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2009-03, China

  11. Reviews on theories of international river utilization rights and interests and their influence[J]. Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2007, 25(6):1-4.

  12. A Study of the Comprehensive Analysis Framework of Influencing Factors on Regional Cooperation of International Rivers [J], Resources Science, Vol.33,No.11, 2011.

  13. Exploring the Classification and Evolving Principles of the Cooperation Models in International River Management [J], Journal of Natural Resources, Vol.28, No.12, 2013

  14. The qanats of Xinjiang: historical development, characteristics and modern implications for environmental protection[J], Journal of Arid Land (English), Vol. 4, No.2: 211-220, 2012.

  15. Review on the utilization of World Bank Loans in China’s Water Sector [J], Journal of Economics of Water Resources, Chinese, Vol.18, No.4, 2000.



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