
首页 / 创新团队 / 陆地边界争端与跨境合作研究创新团队

武汉大学国际问题研究院、中国边界与海洋研究院副教授、院长助理,中国与周边国家经济合作研究室主任。已在《Applied Energy》(SCI)、《Singapore Economic Review》(SSCI)、《Sustainability》(SSCI& SCI)、《Energy Procedia》(EI)、《经济学(季刊)》、《中国软科学》、《国际贸易问题》、《欧洲研究》、《国外社会科学》、《财经论丛》、《武汉大学学报(哲社版、人文版)》、《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》、《边界与海洋研究》等国内外学术期刊发表论文20余篇,出版专著和译著2部,主持国家社科基金后期项目1项,作为主要成员参与973计划课题、教育部重大攻关项目、国家发改委CDM赠款基金项目等课题多项。


1. 2012年国家社科基金后期资助项目“贸易开放与中国区域经济发展差异研究”,课题主持人;
2. 2011年中国CDM基金赠款项目“湖北省碳交易试点体制机制设计”,主要成员;
3. 2010年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“低碳经济转型下的中国碳排放交易体系研究”,主要成员;
4. 2010年科技部(973计划)应对气候变化专项项目研究课题,主要成员;

1.Reconciling Regional Differences in Financial Development and Carbon Emissions_ A Dynamic Panel Data Approach,Energy Procedia, May 2017, Vol. 105, pp 2989-2995. 第一作者。
2.How to Set the Allowance Benchmarking for Cement Industry in China’s Carbon Market Marginal Analysis and the Case of the Hubei Emission Trading Pilot, Sustainability, 2017, 9, 322. 通讯作者。
3.The allowance mechanism of China’s carbon trading pilots- A comparative analysis with schemes in EU and California, Applied Energy, 2017, Vol. 185, pp1849-1859 .第一作者(2017年ESI 高被引论文)
4.Financial Development and Carbon Emissions in Chinese Provinces: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis, The Singapore Economic Review, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 2, Available online October 2016. DOI: 10.1142/S0217590817400203. 第一作者。
5.Feasibility Analyses of Developing Low Carbon City with Hybrid Energy Systems in China: The Case of Shenzhen, Sustainability, 2016, 8, 452; 论文合作者。
6.Assessment of Allowance Mechanism in China’s Carbon Trading Pilots. Energy Procedia, 2015, Vol. 75,pp2510-2515;第一作者。
7.Is carbon tariff compatible with the rules of WTO?  Journal of Information and Management,2012, 32(4);第一作者。
8.欧亚关税同盟对中哈出口贸易的影响:基于HS 6 位编码商品的面板数据检验,《国际贸易问题》,2017年第10期;第一作者。
10.跨境经济合作的运行机制与管理模式:欧盟INTERREG的经验及对中国的启示,《边界与海洋研究》, 2017年第3期;第一作者。

2014年,The Award of Achievement , 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室。

Name:Xiong Ling

Position/Title:Dr. in Economics, Associate Professor, Assistant Dean; Group Leader of Research on China's Economic Cooperation with Neighboring Countries.


The Institute for International Studies, Wuhan University
China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University
Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights (CICTSMR)


“The Belt and Road” and the Surrounding Trade Cooperation
Cross-border Economic Cooperation and Trade
Energy Economics and Low Carbon Policy
Spatial Economics and Spatial Econometrics

Academic Qualifications:

Jan.2014-- Jan.2015: Visiting research scholar in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA.
2009: Ph.D. of Economics in Wuhan University, P.R. of China.
Jul. 2007--Jan. 2008: Visiting research scholar in Peking University, P.R. of China.
2006: M.A. of Economics in Wuhan University, P.R. of China.
1997: BS in Mathematics in Hubei University, P.R. of China.

Working Experience:

Dec.2014--present: Associate Professor, The Institute for International Studies, Wuhan University
Sept.2009—Nov.2014: Lecturer, The Institute for International Studies, Wuhan University

Research Projects:

(1) “Trade Openness and Inequality of Regional Economic Development in China”, National Social Science Fund Project,China, Hosted, 2012-2013.
(2) “The research of the developed countries carbon tariffs and its influence”, the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program) Project, China, Participated, 2010-2012.
(3) “The research of China's carbon emissions trading system under low carbon transformation”, the Ministry of Education Major Subject Research Project, China, Participated, 2011-2013.
(4) “The system design of Hubei province carbon trading pilot”, NDRC China's Carbon Trading Pilot Construction Project, Participating, 2012-2015.

Major Publications:
(1)Xiong Ling, A Study on Trade openness and the inequality of regional economy development in China, Beijing: Peking University Press, Nov. 2014. (in Chinese)
(2)Xiong Ling (with Xiao Guangen, Yang Yong and Wei Wei), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, The Selection Translation of Economics Teaching Materials, Beijing: Peking University Press, Jan. 2014. (in Chinese)

(1)Ling Xiong, Zhiyong Tu, Lan Ju. Reconciling Regional Differences in Financial Development and Carbon Emissions_ A Dynamic Panel Data Approach,Energy Procedia, May 2017, Vol. 105, pp 2989-2995.
(2)Fan Dai , Ling Xiong *, Ding Ma. How to Set the Allowance Benchmarking for Cement Industry in China’s Carbon Market Marginal Analysis and the Case of the Hubei Emission Trading Pilot, Sustainability, 2017, 9, 322.
(3)Ling Xiong, Bo Shen et al. The allowance mechanism of China’s carbon trading pilots- A comparative analysis with schemes in EU and California, Applied Energy, 2017, Vol. 185, pp1849-1859 .(2017年ESI 高被引论文)
(4)Ling Xiong, Shaozhou Qi. Financial Development and Carbon Emissions in Chinese Provinces: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis, The Singapore Economic Review, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 2, Available online October 2016. DOI: 10.1142/S0217590817400203.
(5)Xun Zhang, Bin Ye, Ling Xiong et al. Feasibility Analyses of Developing Low Carbon City with Hybrid Energy Systems in China: The Case of Shenzhen, Sustainability, 2016, 8, 452.
(6)Xiong Ling, Qin Cao,Tan Xiujie. Grey Trade and Tariff’s Impact on China’s Export to Kazakhstan: An Empirical Study Based at the Six-Digit Level of HS Classification. Journal of International Trade, 10, pp85-96, 2017. (in Chinese)
(7)Xiong Ling, Chen Meijin. China and Indonesia Jointly Build the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road: Achievements, Challenges and Countermeasures. Journal of Boundary and Ocean Study, 6, 2017.11. (in Chinese)
(8)WANG Zi-chao, XIONG Ling*, WANG Zi-lan. The Interactive Effect between Tourism Development and Economic Growth in Borderland Provinces: A Granger Causality Test Based on Panel Data. China Soft Science, 12, 172-181, 2016. (in Chinese)
(9)Xiong Ling, Qi Shaozhou, Shen Bo. The Comparative Features, Problems and Improvement Measures of Allowance Mechanism of China’s Carbon Trading Pilots. Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 69(3), p56-64, 2016. (in Chinese)
(10)Xiong Ling, Qi Shaozhou. Financial Development, Economic Growth and Provincial CO2 Emission in China: Based on the STIRPAT Model and Dynamic Panel Data. Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 16(2), p63-73, 2016. (in Chinese)
(11)Ling Xiong, Bo Shen, Shaozhou Qi. Assessment of Allowance Mechanism in China’s Carbon Trading Pilots. Energy Procedia, 75, p2510-2515, 2015.
(12)Xiong Ling, Shao Lei, Tan Xiujie. Climate Change Trade Barriers and the Corresponding Solutions. Environmental Protection, 24, p67-68, Dec. 2012. (in Chinese)
(13)Xiong Ling, Tan Xiujie. Policy Analysis on the United States Border Carbon adjustment Measures. Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Science), 65(5), p124-128, Sept. 2012. (in Chinese)
(14)Ling Xiong, Zhou Maorong. Is Carbon Tariff Compatible with the Rules of WTO?, Journal of Information and Management, 32(4), p58-64, May 2012.
(15)Xiong Ling, Wei Wei, Yang Yong. Spatial Effect of Trade Openness on Regional Economic Growth: A Study Based on 1987-2009 Spatial Panel Data in China, China Economic Quarterly, 11(3), p1037-1058, Apr. 2012.(in Chinese)
(16)Xiong Ling, Qi Shaozhou. The Structural Defects, Institutional Changes and Implications of the EU-ETS, Chinese Journal of European Studies, 30(1), p51-64, Feb.2012. (in Chinese)
(17)Xiong Ling, Zhou Maorong. Comparative Analysis of Sino-US subsidies for renewable energy in the Perspective of WTO, International Business Research, 32(5), p13-23, Sept. 2011. (in Chinese)

Contact details:

Email Address: xiongl2004@126.com
Phone Number: +86-027-87204723

Honors and awards:

Economic Science Prize of Dong Fureng, China, 2008;
The Award of Achievement, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, 2014.


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