
首页 / 创新团队 / 领土海洋争端解决国际法研究创新团队












1. “历史性权利纳入海洋基本法研究”,国家社科基金青年项目,2017.

2. “南海争端解决司法化问题研究:挑战和对策”,教育部人文社科项目,2013.

3. 国家部委委托项目,2016.

4. 历史性权利在南海适用的前景及障碍研究,海洋局委托项目,2012.

5. 南海争端解决司法化问题研究,中国博士后面上资助项目,2012-2014.



1. 南海仲裁案所涉历史性权利问题裁决的国际法批判,《国际问题研究》,2017年第2期。

2. 论非主权性历史性权利与专属经济区和大陆架制度的并存与协调,《法学评论》2016年第3期。

3. 评南海案历史性权利诉求的管辖权和可受理性裁决,《江西社会科学》2016年第3期。

4. 评南海案历史性权利诉求的管辖权和可受理性裁决,《中国国际法年刊(南海仲裁案管辖权问题专刊)》。

5. 历史性权利对《海洋法公约》相关制度和规则的促进作用,《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年3月。

6. 论当代国际法上和平解决国际海洋划界争端的方法,《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》2013年4月。


Lei Xiaolu is an Associate Professor of China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University (CIBOS-WHU) and a visiting fellow of RSIS. She is also a research fellow of Center for Collaborative Innovation on Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights (CCITSMR) which was established in 2013 and sponsored by the Ministry of Education in the following year. In 2012, she got her PhD degree of law, working on the issue of “The Interaction between Historic Rights and the UNCLOS”. Since then, her research interest has been focused on international law of the sea and the peaceful dispute settlement of the South China Sea disputes. In order to make her research more suitable to actual circumstances, she worked for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China from 2013-2015. In recent years, she has published several articles on the South China Sea Arbitration and other related issues in Chinese, also, she has hold and completed several research project on this issue.



1. Law School, Wuhan University, Sep. 2003-Jun. 2007, B.A. in law.

2. China Institute of Boundary Studies, Wuhan University, Sep. 2007-Jun. 2009, M.A., International Law.

3. China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University, Sep. 2009-Jun. 2012, Ph.D., International Law.



1. Postdoctoral, Department of Politics and Public Management, Wuhan University, Aug. 2012 - Aug. 2014.

2. Lecturer of International Law, China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University, Aug. 2014 – Present.

3. Research Fellow, Center for Collaborative Innovation on Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights (CCITSMR), Aug. 2014 – Present.

4. Work as third secretary at Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P. R. China, Dec.2013-Aug.2015.



1. Taught course on Selected Topics in the International Law of the Sea, Degree Course for Graduates, Sep. 2012 – 2013.

2. Will teach course on International Law of the Sea, Course for Undergraduates, Sep. 2016-Jan. 2017.



Historic Titles/ Rights in International Law; Peaceful Dispute Settlement of Maritime and Territorial Issues; South China Sea Disputes and related issues.




1. Director of “The Role of the Historic Rights within the Future China’s Domestic Law of the Sea” supported by the The National Social Science Fund of China.

2. Director of “The Role of the Judicial Methods in Solving the South China Sea Disputes: Opportunities and Challenges” supported by Ministry of Education of P. R. China (Project No. 13YJC820040). Research on this Project is in progress.

3. Director of the Project “The Application of the Doctrine of Historic Rights in the South China Sea” supported by China Institute for Marine Affairs (March - August 2012). Research on this Project is finished.

4. Core member of the Project "The Legal Safeguard for Maritime Rights and Interests of China in the Globalization Context” supported by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China (Project No. 09JZD0023, December 2009 - April 2013). Research on this Project is finished.

5. Core member of the Project “Impact of UNCLOS on the Settlement of Disputes in the South China Sea: Limitations and Countermeasures” supported by National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of P. R. China (Project No. 11AZD115, November 2011 - Present).



1. A Comment on the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility on the Submissions Related to “Historic Rights”, Jiangxi Social Sciences (in Chinese), vol. 1, 2016, pp.21-29.

2. The Co-existence of the Historic Rights and the Relevant Maritime Zone Regime under the UNCLOS, Law Review (in Chinese), vol.3 2016.

3. The Promotion of the Doctrine of the “Historic Rights” to the Regimes under the UNCLOS, Journal of Hubei University (Philosophy and Social Science) (in Chinese), vol. 3, 2014, pp. 70-74.

4. On the Pacific Dispute Settlement Methods of the Maritime Delimitation Disputes in International Law, Jinan Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (in Chinese), No. 4, 2013, pp. 53-61.

5. The Possibility of the Application of the International Arbitration to the South China Sea Islands Dispute, Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), vol. 1, 2011. (Co-Author with Professor YU Minyou)

6. A Comment on the US’s Criticizing on China’s Claim in the South China Sea, Jiangxi Social Sciences (in Chinese), vol. 9, 2011, pp.13-19. (Co-Author with Professor YU Minyou)


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